Your MAGIC CHARGER is a professional multifunctional charger with Inverter technology. Designed to support the batteries of
demonstration vehicles or during the diagnostic work, it also guarantees an ideal quality of charge for the maintenance of the most
advanced models. This charger can be fitted with cables up to 8 m long. Changing the charging cables requires recalibration. It is considered a fixed device not a mobile product.
Your MAGIC CHARGER is supplied with a software that includes 4 different modes to choose from:
• Charging mode: dedicated to the charging of lead-acid (sealed, liquid, AGM...) or lithium (LiFePO4) starter batteries.
• Power mode | Diag+ : Supplies the energy required during diagnostic work on the vehicle.
• Power mode | Showroom : Maintains the charge of the battery and supplies the energy required when using the consumers
of a demonstration vehicle.
• Tester Mode: Used to check the state of the battery and test the vehicle starting system and alternator.
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